neeto Marketing Updates for August
In August, neeto continued its focus on increasing brand visibility and user engagement. In our marketing updates, we will provide an overview of the marketing initiatives undertaken during August, along with some key metrics and highlights. Let's dive in!
Latest on the blogs
We published some blogs about what we are working on. In these blogs, we covered the products available for folks to use and some products still under development.
Here are some blogs we published in August:
neetoSite got revamped blocks, global theme, scroll triggered animation, custom block and more
neetoGit got GitHub integration, easy assigning of issues, tracking status and more
neetoCI got multiple workflows, trigger, cache optimization and more
neetoForm got themes, customizable closed message, zapier integration, editable form link and more
Here are some stats from our blogs
Total blog subscribers: 118
Number of new subscribers added in the last month: 1 (down 93.75%)
Total views on different blogs in the last month: 965 (down 89%)
LinkedIn updates
Total number of followers on LinkedIn: 435
New followers added in the last month: 120 (up 9.1%)
Number of page views in the last month: 798 (down 39.6%)
Unique Visitors in the last month: 257 (down 46.2%)
Product Metrics
Currently, we are live with these six products - neetoChat, neetoDesk, neetoKB, neetoForm, neetoInvoice & neetoCal.
Here are some high-level metrics for these products. All the data is for August 2023. This data excludes the records created by people working at the company.
Number of new organizations created in the last month: 110(down 58%)
Number of form submissions in the neetoForm: 48 (up 20%)
Number of invoices generated in neetoInvoice: 27 (down 6.8%)
Number of chat conversations generated in neetoChat: 56 (up 154.5%)
Number of chat messages generated in neetoChat: 277 (up 255%)
Number of tickets created in neetoDesk: 303 (up 621%)
Number of new articles created in neetoKB: 309 (down 60%)
Number of new meeting links created in neetoCal: 37 (down 66%)
Number of meetings booked using neetoCal: 251 (up 348%)
neeto Website Highlights
Our website underwent a few updates during August, aiming to improve the user experience and showcase our product effectively. Here are the key highlights:
Revamped Feature page: We have revamped the feature page of neetoDesk making it easier for potential customers to understand the features neetoDesk offers.
Dedicated Landing page: We have added a dedicated landing page for neetoDesk that provides comprehensive information about the product to potential clients.
Payment metrics
The total payment units(across all currencies) collected using neetoCal was 8706. Here is the breakdown.
8696.00 GBP
10.00 USD
GBP is the currency of England.
We earned zero revenue in August 2023.
Overall, August was another great month for neeto with positive user interactions with neeto products. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months!