In May, neeto took its first steps toward marketing, focusing on increased brand visibility and user engagement. In our first marking updates, we will provide an overview of the marketing initiatives undertaken during May, along with key metrics and highlights. Let's dive in!
Latest on the blogs
neeto is a collection of various products. We started our marketing initiative by asking each product team to provide an overview of the features rolled out in the previous month. We published several informative blog posts, which gave you a glimpse into what we are working on. In these blogs, we covered the products available for folks to use and some products still under development.
Here are some blogs we published in May;
neetoRunner, the code assessment tool, got assessments with no fixed date, downloading of test cases and more. Link
neetoMonitor got bulk creation and status page enhancements. Link
neetoSocial got scheduling reports, audience demographics on youtube, calendar UI for scheduling and more. Link
neetoCal has multiple calendar support, slack integration and discount code. Link
neetoSite got hero with slider, feature with image blocks, template preview and more. Link
Dynamic styling in neetoSite using styled-components. Link
neetoCRM got capturing leads, bulk action, lead import, task summary and technical improvements. Link
neetoCourse got neetoEditor, security, course preview & google login. Link
neetoForm got conditional logic, stripe payment, webhooks, IP restrictions and more. Link
neetoTestify got bulk updates, duplicate steps, ancestry gem, formikEditor and more. Link
Here are some stats from our blogs.
Total blog subscribers: 98
Number of new subscribers added in the last month: 7
Total views on different blogs in the last month: 2.42K
LinkedIn updates
We created a LinkedIn profile of neeto and started posting our blogs on LinkedIn. Here are the stats from LinkedIn.
Number of followers on LinkedIn: 78
New followers added in the last month: 45
Total page views: 631
Unique Visitors: 178
Product Metrics
Currently, we are live with six products - neetoChat, neetoDesk, neetoKB, neetoForm, neetoInvoice & neetoCal.
Here are some high-level metrics for these products. All the data is for May 2023. This data excludes the records created by users working at the company.
Number of new organizations created in the last month: 40
Number of form submissions in the neetoForm: 57
Number of invoices generated in neetoInvoice: 31
Number of chat conversations generated in neetoChat: 47
Number of chat messages generated in neetoChat: 210
Number of tickets created in neetoDesk: 25
Number of new articles created in neetoKB: 137
Number of new meetings created in neetoCal: 13
Number of meetings booked using neetoCal: 22
neeto Website Highlights
Our website underwent significant updates during May, aiming to improve the user experience and showcase our product effectively. Here are the key highlights:
Added Feature page: We introduced a dedicated page highlighting all the key features of neeto products, providing visitors with a comprehensive overview of our product's capabilities.
Added Pricing page: A revamped pricing page was launched, simplifying the pricing structure and making it easier for potential customers to understand our offerings.
Added new logo: We have a brand-new logo! It's all about making our brand stand out. Our new logo showcases neeto in a more prominent way. We're proud to present this fresh look that reflects what neeto is as a company.

We earned zero revenue in May 2023.
The month of May was an important milestone for neeto's marketing journey. With an increased focus on blogs, website enhancements, and growing our online presence, we are hopeful for continued growth and success. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months!